Holiday Gift Wrapping Guide - Top Trends!

Holiday Gift Wrapping Guide - Top Trends!

Hey Friends! As the holiday approaches, we know many of you like us still have presents to wrap! (I haven't even started yet! Yikes!) But no worries, were here to show you some fun and creative ways to wrap your gifts, with traditional wrapping paper and many different materials. Here are our top gift wrapping trends for this Christmas!

1. Foliage

One trend we are loving is adding Foliage to your gifts! Its super simple and you can use those straggly parts of your Christmas tree that stick out, or fall off. Just take a branch or two and slide them in your ribbon to add a little detail! Its a quick way to spruce up your gift if you are using a simpler paper! Who doesn't love a little greenery?!

2. Fabric

Fabric is a new one but totally awesome. You can recycle older clothing by cutting it and wrapping your gifts in it! Its much easier to use for those gifts that are an odd non-square shape! It also doesn't require any tape, all you have to do is tie the fabric together at the top and presto! You have yourself a wrapped gift in a trendy package.

3. News Paper

My personal Favorite. This will give you a very muted pile a gifts but if thats your aesthetic like me you will LOVE it. Just get a news paper or find one laying around the house and use it for wrapping paper! If you wanna stick to the black and white theme use black ribbon. If you want to add a nice pop of color, choose any color for your ribbon! You cant go wrong with this one!!!

4. Brown Bags

Just like the above you can use this as a more muted Christmas wrapping option. It gives off a very natural vibe and looks fantastic under the green of the Christmas tree! To accentuate grab some twine and use that to tie a ribbon! The texture and color are perfect for this type of paper. Also since its a blank canvas feel free to add holiday stickers to create your own design! 

5. Classic Wrapping Paper

And of course, if you love your good old fashion wrapping paper, feel free to use that! There are a lot of options out there so you are bound to find one you like! 

We would love to see which wrapping option you guys choose! Send us your pics on instagram @Polyandbark!

Also make sure to check out our New Inga Velvet Sectionals!


Happy Holidays! - The Poly & Bark Team